a5c7b9f00b In April 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars, H.M.S. Surprise, a British frigate, is under the command of Captain Jack Aubrey. Aubrey and the Surprise's current orders are to track and capture or destroy a French privateer named Acheron. The Acheron is currently in the Atlantic off South America headed toward the Pacific in order to extend Napoleon's reach of the wars. This task will be a difficult one as Aubrey quickly learns in an initial battle with the Acheron that it is a bigger and faster ship than the Surprise, which puts the Surprise at a disadvantage. Aubrey's single-mindedness in this seemingly impossible pursuit puts him at odds with the Surprise's doctor and naturalist, Stephen Maturin, who is also Aubrey's most trusted advisor on board and closest friend. Facing other internal obstacles which have resulted in what they consider a string of bad luck, Aubrey ultimately uses Maturin's scientific exploits to figure out a way to achieve his and the ship's seemingly impossible goal. During the Napoleonic Wars, a British frigate, HMS Surprise, and a much larger French warship, the Acheron, with greater fire power, stalk each other off of the coast of South America. Russell Crowe brings great intensity to the role of Captain Jack Aubrey. Lucky Jack, as he is referred to by his crew, is well regarded by his men, who trust him implicitly, even after the first devastating battle and an apparent personal vendetta against the French captain. While the naval battle sequences are quite fantastic, the film is successful because director Weir chose to build the story to get to know the men who are locked aboard the tight quarters of a small ship and how they interact everyday. The officers and the mates are well-known by the time the final battle comes. Paul Bettany offers a strong performance as the surgeon and naturalist who balances the violence of his chosen life with the quiet demeanor of the scientist. He is the captain's friend and confidant, the two frequently playing violin and cello duets together. The horrors of the injuries from the war are frequently implied, but vividly depicted in the reactions of the characters. In April 1805, Napoleon is the "Master of Europe" and only the British Navy stands before him. In oceanic waters off Brazil, English Captain Russell Crowe (as "Lucky" Jack Aubrey) of the H.M.S. "Sunrise" receives his ship's battle plan - "Intercept French Privateer 'Acheron' en route to Pacific sink, burn, or take her (as) a prize." Captain Crowe's ship is damaged in an early scuffle, weathers a bad storm, and finally engages its enemy in the destined battle.<br/><br/>"Master and Commander" subtitled "The Far Side of the World" is a big, splashy production. With polished direction by Peter Weir, and based on the respected novels of Patrick O'Brian, it still does not convey the same level of awe found in classic seafaring pictures. When you think of Herman Melville or "Mutiny on the Bounty" you think of colossal allegorical conflicts, between good and evil, or man and God. Here, we have the British against the French, and some bad weather.<br/><br/>Crowe begins by looking a little like Charles Laughton, but is soon revealed to be more Richard Burton, pontificating with best friend and ship's doctor Paul Bettany (as Stephen Maturin). The men disagree amicably, debate decisions, and play musical instruments together. The latter may explain why they like each other so much. Other crew members are interesting, due to the different sacrifices they make. The most obvious is young Max Pirkis (as William "Will" Blakeney), as you'll see.<br/><br/>While the cameras spend most of their time finding the aforementioned three actors, others have memorable roles to play. Due very much to their fates, it's interesting to follow James D'Arcy (as Thomas "Tom" Pullings), Max Benitz (as Peter Myles Calamy), and Joseph Morgan (as William Warley). The writers' added "Jonah" character is nicely played by Lee Ingleby (as Hollom). Uniquely, he can see the enemy, but can't match his skills with the story; just like the movie, just out of sync.<br/><br/>****** Master and Commander (11/14/03) Peter Weir ~ Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany, Max Pirkis, James D'Arcy Loved the movie! It seemed very realistic with great sound effects. <br/><br/>I wondered, though, why the Acheron, and therefore Captain Lucky's ship, would have been going around Cape Horn rather than through the Strait of Magellan. The Strait was well-known and used by this time and would have been far safer that rounding the Cape. I suppose that is my answer - less excitement. <br/><br/>There was one goof that I noticed during the scenes of the storm going around the Cape: thunder and lightning. It is far too cold in that part of the world for this phenomenon. I grew up in the city of Punta Arenas, port city on the Strait of Magellan, and I can tell you there was never any lightning there, so there would not be any even closer to Antartica! The epic adventure, set during the Napoleonic Wars, boasts at least two artists at the top of their respective games -- namely filmmaker Peter Weir and actor Russell Crowe. photographies, charts, etc.). Not as comprehensive, but still
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